The Time To Ski Blog

Winter has arrived in Sainte Foy, but can you go skiing?
Here’s the latest position on what’s happening in Sainte Foy.

New Chairlift in Sainte Foy (Not the Official Engineer’s Report) ~ Part 13
Progress on the new six-seater chairlift in Sainte Foy is going well. Testing will take place in the next couple of weeks and it will be up and running for winter sports enthusiasts to ride on when the season opens in December.

Trail Running in Sainte Foy and the French Alps
Gerda Steyn should have been competing at the Olympics this summer. Instead, she has been training in Sainte Foy and preparing for the London marathon this coming Sunday. It’s great to think that a little bit of Sainte Foy training goes into her preparation for these big events, and this year’s London Marathon.

Sainte Foy Prepares for Next Winter
The first snow has landed in Sainte Foy station, and we are wondering what the next ski season has in store for us. We decided to ask around, and this is what we’ve been told . . .

New Chairlift in Sainte Foy (Not the Official Engineer’s Report) ~ Part 12
This is how the big boys do Meccano. Here are some photos and video footage of the action whilst installing the pylons on the new Arpettaz chairlift in Sainte Foy.

New Chairlift in Sainte Foy (Not the Official Engineer’s Report) ~ Part 11
‘La gare d’arrivée’, the arrival station, at the top of the new Arpettaz chairlift in Sainte Foy now looks like the arrival station of a truly modern ski lift, which it is!

More Avalanche Safety in Sainte Foy
Whilst building the new Arpettaz chairlift in Sainte Foy, they are making use of having workmen and equipment up the mountain to install some extra avalanche safety equipment.

New Chairlift in Sainte Foy (Not the Official Engineer’s Report) ~ Part 10
Progress on the new Arpettaz chairlift in Sainte Foy has been good this last week. Fabulous sunny weather has allowed the helicopter to fly every day, and the arrival station at the top of the lift is starting to take shape

Electric Bikes in Sainte Foy ~ What’s all the excitement about?
What’s the big deal with electric bikes in Sainte Foy? We decided to find out for ourselves, and we loved it!

New Chairlift in Sainte Foy (Not the Official Engineer’s Report) ~ Part 9
In Sainte Foy it has been a week of two halves for the lift building crew on the new Arpettaz lift. The helicopter should have been busy delivering concrete to continue building the pylon foundations, but unfortunately, a couple of stormy weather days kept it grounded at the beginning of the week. Then the weather improved, and the concreting gangs were back in business.